Here's the list of authors in alphabetical order. (Last name)
A. Osman Akan
David R. Basco
William A. Drewry
Mujde Erten-Unal
Isao Ishibashi
Duc T. Nguyen
Zia Razzaq
Gary C. Schafran
Jaewan Yoon
Dr. Akan's publications/reports
- Publication list to be inserted
- Publications and Presentations
- "Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study - Bayview, VA", Proceedings of the
ASCE-CSCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 25-28,
1999, Norfolk, VA (with S. B. Amthor, P. Bull, and M. Erten-Unal). pp. 862-871
- "Wastewater Privatization: A Beneficial Alternative", Proceedings of the ASCE-
CSCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering, July 25-28, 1999,
Norfolk, VA (with R. F. Wakeman). pp. 852-861.
- "The Efficiency of a Peat Biofilter Treatment System and the Impacts on
Groundwater Quality", Proceedings of the ASCE-CSCE National Conference on
Environmental Engineering, July 25-28, 1999, Norfolk, VA (with J. A. Reasor,
M.Erten-Unal, and R. T. Groover). pp. 77-86.
- "The Evaluation of the Performance of a Peat Biofilter for Onsite Wastewater
Treatment in Virginia", Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference, National
Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association, Ft. Mitchell, KY, October, 1998 (with
J.A. Reasor, M. Erten-Unal, and P. Miller). pp. 76-82.
- "Bayview Environmental and Community Action Plan", Final Report to the
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Justice, September 1,
1998 (with RBGC and Paradigm Design).
- Major Documents As Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and
Technology and As Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering: Vol. 1 ABET Report for 1991 COET ABET Visit, Vol. 2 ABET
Report for 1976, 1982, and 1997 CEE Dept. ABET Visit, CEE Graduate
Program Review Report, Numerous Planning Documents, Special Reports,
etc. for Existing and Proposed
- "Dewatering Alum Sludges with Hydrogen Peroxide: Deciphering the
Mechanism," Proceedings of the 1993 Joint Residuals Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ
(with G.C. Schafran and U.G. Kelkar). pp.711-729.
- "Development of an Environmental Engineering Analysis Laboratory Utilizing Atomic
Spectrometry," Final Report to the National Science Foundation for Grant No. ENG-8852326
(with G. C.Schafran).
- "Laboratory and Pilot Studies of Hydrogen Peroxide as a Dewatering Aid," Abstracts of the
AWWA/WPCF Joint Residuals Conference, Raleigh, NC, August 11-14, 1991 (with U.G. Kelkar
and G.C. Schafran).
- "Hydrogen Peroxide as an Alum Sludge Dewatering Agent," 57th Annual Virginia Section
American Water Works Association Meeting, October 25, 1990, Roanoke, VA (with U.G.
Kelkar and G.C. Schafran).
- "Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Alum Sludge Dewatering," Proceedings of the
AWWA/WPCF Joint Residuals Management Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug.
13-16, 1989 (Co-authored by Uday Kelkar). pp. 2C/6.1-6.35.
- "Assessment of Existing Detention Facility Flood Capacity in Jones Run," ODURF Technical
Report (final) to City of Newport News, Virginia, August, (with A. O. Akan and J. N. Paine).
- "Continuous Drainage System Modeling of Jones Run," Proceedings of the Water Resources
Conference (ASCE, 15th: 1988: Norfolk, VA) Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications
(with J. N. Paine, A. O. Akan and M. Sabbah).
- "Use of Wastewater Sewer System Modeling for Operation and Planning," Proceedings of the
Water Resources Conference (ASCE, 15th: 1988: Norfolk, VA) Critical Water Issues and
Computer Applications (With M. A. Sabbah and M. B. Holloway).
- "Sanitary Sewer System Model with Data Management," Proceedings of the Water Resources
Conference (ASCE, 15th: 1988: Norfolk, VA) Critical Water Issues and Computer
Applications (Co-authored by M. B. Holloway and M. A. Sabbah).
- "Wastewater Sewer System Modeling with Data Management," Proc. of the 5th National
Conference, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Orlando, Nov., 1987, (with Michael B.
Holloway and Mostafa A. Sabbah). pp. 79-83.
- "Hydraulic Analysis Computer Model for the City of Newport News, Virginia Sewer System:
Gravity and Pressurized Flow," ODURF Technical Report (final) for the City of Newport News,
Virginia, January (with M. B. Holloway).
- "Hydrologic Modeling of Jones Run Watershed and the Proposed Detention Basin, "ODURF
Technical Report (final) for the City of Newport News, Virginia, November (with A.O. Akan
and J.N. Paine).
- "Hydraulic Analysis Computer Model for the City of Newport News, Virginia Sewer System:
Gravity and Pressurized Flow, Phase I," Technical Report (Final) for the City of Newport News,
Virginia, July (with M. B. Holloway).
- "Aquifer Identification and Injection Well Inventory for the State of Virginia and the District of
Columbia," Technical Report (Final) for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III,
July, 1982 (with M. H. Chaudhry).
- "Aerobic Digestion CFWSR Process Rate Coefficients," National Conference on Environmental
Engineering Research, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1978 (with P. S. Pagoria).
- "Aerobic Digestion of an Industrial Waste Activated Sludge," Proceedings of the 33rd Industrial
Waste Conference, Purdue University, 1978 (with P. S. Pagoria).
- "Water Quality Modeling in a Low Flow Stream," Journal of the Water Pollution Control
Federation, October, 1978 (with S. P. Shelton and J. C. Burdick).
- "Wastewater Management Program," Engineering Report for the Carborundum Company,
Jacksboro, Tennessee.
- "Tests of Coagulants for the Reduction of Viruses, Turbidity, and Chemical Oxygen Demand,"
La Technique de L'eau et de L'assainissement,Mensuel 352, Avril, 1976 (Co-authored with S.P.
- "Chemical Coagulation Dosage Control," La Technique de L'eau et de L'assainissement,
Mensuel 352, Avril, 1976 (Co-authored with S.P. Shelton).
- "A Treatability Study of the Industrial and Domestic Wastewater from the Gaseous Diffusion
Plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee," Technical Report, Environmental Engineering Program,
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, August, 1975 (Co-
authored by J. S. Cawthorne and L. D. Watson).
- "Wastewater Management Program," Engineering Report for the Holliston Mills, Inc., New
Canton, Tennessee, October, 1975 (Co-authored by P. S. Pagoria).
- "Preliminary Engineering Report on Industrial Wastewater Discharges from Velsicol Chemical
Corporation, Chattanooga, Tennessee," Engineering Report, July, 1975 (Co-authored by J. C.
- "Book Mill Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study," Presented at the 48th Annual Water
Pollution Control Federation Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, October 1975 (Co-authored by
P. S. Pagoria and K. A. Young).
- "Development of Micro-Scale Laboratory Filtration Techniques," Water Resources Research
Center Research Report No. 41, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, December, 1974 (Co-
authored with J. C. Burdick and L. D. Watson).
- "Scale-up from Bench Studies to Actual Design of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility,"
Presented at the Kentucky-Tennessee Water Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting,
Nashville, Tennessee, September, 1974 (Co-authored with F. B. Gianotti, M. R. Young, and J. C.
- "Removal of Viruses During Coagulation," Presented at the Water Resources Symposium No. 7,
University of Texas, Austin, April, 1974.
- "Industrial Wastewater Monitoring: Basic Considerations," Presented at the 167th National
Meeting, American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, California, April, 1974 (Co-authored with P.
S. Pagoria).
- "Industrial Wastewater Monitoring," Water - 1973, AIChE Symposium Series No. 136, Vol. 70,
1974 (Co-authored by P. S. Pagoria).
- "Virus Removal by Chemical Coagulation," Journal of the American Water Works Association,
66: 711-716, December, 1974 (Co-authored with D. W. York).
- "Test of Coagulants for the Reduction of Viruses, Turbidity, and Chemical Oxygen Demand,"
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 65: 627-635, October, 1973 (Co-authored
with S. P. Shelton.
- "A Planning Study of West Fork Stones River -- Evaluation of Current and Future Water Quality
Conditions," Technical Report, Environmental Engineering Program, Department of Civil
Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, July, 1973 (Co-authored with J. C.
Burdick and S. P. Shelton).
- "Measuring and Minimizing the Social Cost of Environmental Pollution: A Case Study,"
Technical Report, The University of Tennessee, June, 1973 (Co-authored with C. B. Garrison, et
- "A Treatability Study of Combined Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters for the Aluminum
Company of America Tennessee Operations," Engineering Report for the Aluminum Company
of America, Alcoa, Tennessee, February, 1973 (Co-authored with J. C. Burdick).
- "A Wastewater Treatability Study of Combined Industrial and Municipal Wastewater from
Newport, Tennessee," Engineering Report for Allen and Hoshall Consulting Engineers,
Memphis, Tennessee, September, 1973 (Co-authored by J. C. Burdick).
- "A Treatability Study of Wastewater from the Gaseous Diffusion Plant at Oak Ridge,
Tennessee," Technical Report, Environmental Engineering Program, Department of Civil
Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, December, 1973 (Co-authored by J. C.
Burdick, P. S. Pagoria, and J. S. Cawthorne).
- "Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Needs for Tennessee," Report 73-1 and 2,
Environmental Engineering Project, College of Engineering, The University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, November, 1973 (Co-authored by S. R. Holt and M. E. Meadows).
- Proceedings of the Third Annual Industrial Air Pollution Control Conference, "State of the Art of
Air Pollution Control Techniques for Industrial Processes and Power Generation," The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, March, 1973 (edited with K. E. Noll, J. R. Duncan, and J. C.
- "Virus-Soil Interaction," Proceedings, 1973 Workshop, Landspreading Municipal Effluent and
Sludge in Florida, pp. 215-228, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1973.
- Proceedings of the Second Annual Industrial Air Pollution Control Conference, "State of the Art
of Air Pollution Control Techniques for Industrial Processes and Power Generation," The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, April 1972 (edited with K. E. Noll, J. R. Duncan, and J. C.
- "A Solid Waste Disposal Plan for a Twenty-Six County Region in Tennessee -- Procedures for
Estimation of Cost of Disposal by Sanitary Landfills," Technical Report, Engineering
Experiment Station, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1972 (Co-authored with M. R.
Young, J. C. Burdick, and W. J. Boegly).
- "Synthetic Carbohydrate -- An Aid to Nutrition in the Future," NASA-ASEE Engineering
Systems Design Report, Stanford University, 1972 (Co-authored with R. Ballard, et al).
- "Virus Removal -- Water and Wastewater," Research Report No. 24, Water Resources Research
Center, The University of Tennessee Knoxville, May, 1972.
- Correspondence Course Manual for Water Plant Operators, Class C, 2nd edition, The South
Carolina Water and Pollution Control Association, 1971 (Co-authored with W. M. McLellon and
J. M. Glennon).
- Proceedings of the First Annual Industrial Air Pollution Control Conference. "State of the Art of
Air Pollution Control Techniques for Industrial Processes and Power Generation," The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, April, 1971 (edited with J. R. Duncan, K. E. Noll, and J. C.
- "Virus Removal by Chemical Coagulation," Civil Engineering Research Series No. 12, The
University of Tennessee, December, 1971 (Co-authored with S. P. Shelton).
- "Adsorption of f2 Bacteriophage by Activated Carbon and Ion Exchange Resins," Civil
Engineering Research Series No. 11, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, August, 1971 (Co-
authored with J.T. Watson).
- "Virus Movement in Groundwater Systems," Research Report No. 18, Engineering Experiment
Station, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1969.
- "Virus Movement in Groundwater," Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 40:
R257-251, August, 1968 (Co-authored by R. Eliassen).
- "Facts and Fantasies of Anaerobic Digestion," Proceedings of the 37th Arkansas Water Works
and Pollution Control Conference, pp. 76-81, March, 1968.
- "Studies on the Movement of Viruses in Groundwater," Final Report for the Commission on
Environmental Hygiene of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, May, 1967 (Co-authored
with R. Eliassen, W. Ryan, P. Kruger, and G. Tchobanoglous).
- "Studies on the Movement of Viruses in Groundwater," Report for the Commission on
Environmental Hygiene of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, March, 1966 (Co-authored
with R. Eliassen, O. Cheng, and G. Tchobanoglous).
- "Studies on the Movement of Viruses in Groundwater," Report for the Commission on
Environmental Hygiene of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, March 1965 (Co-authored
with R. Eliassen and P. Kruger).
- "A Laboratory Study of Virus Movement through Soils," Proceedings of Symposium on Water
Pollution Control, Vol. III: Stream Sanitation and Re-Use of Effluents, Central Public Health
Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur-3, India, pp. 97-110, December, 1965 (Co-authored with
Rolf Eliassen).
- Patent
- 1991:PATENT NO. 5,000,860. Improved Efficiency of Alum Sludge
Dewatering Using Hydrogen Peroxide. March 19, 1991
Dr. Unal's publications/reports
Dr. Ishibashi's publications/reports
- Publication list to be inserted
- Publication list to be inserted
- Publications and Presentations
- Schulz, C.R., Schafran, G.C., Garrett, L.B., and R.A. Hawkins, 1995.
Evaluating a high-efficiency ozone injection contactor. J. American
Water Works Assoc. 87(8): 85-99.
- Schafran, G.C., U.G. Kelkar, U.L. Bokka, D.F. Marasco, in press.
Influence of Natural Organic Matter on Enhanced Coagulation and Residual
Dewaterability. Proceedings of the American Water Works Association
Nation Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 20-24.
- Kelkar, U.G. and G.C. Schafran, in press. Enhanced Coagulation:
Effects on Particle Size and Dewaterability. Proceedings of the American
Water Works Association Nation Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 20-24.
Dr. Yoon's publications/reports
For additional information, please contact
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
KDH 135, Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529-0241
Phone) (757) 683-3753
FAX) (757) 683-5354
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