The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program 6/5 (WASP6/5), an enhancement
of the original WASP (Di Toro et al., 1983; Connolly and Winfield, 1984;
Ambrose, R.B. et al., 1988). This model helps users interpret and
predict water quality responses to natural phenomena and man made
pollution for various pollution management decisions. WASP6/5 is a dynamic
compartment modeling program for aquatic systems, including both the
water column and the underlying benthos. The time varying processes of
advection, dispersion, point and diffuse mass loading, and boundary
exchange are represented in the basic program.
Water quality processes are represented in special kinetic subroutines
that are either chosen from a library or written by the user. WASP is
structured to permit easy substitution of kinetic subroutines into the
overall package to form problem specific models. WASP6/5 comes with two
such models -- TOXI6/5 for toxicants and EUTRO6/5 for conventional water
quality. Earlier versions of WASP have been used to examine
eutrophication and PCB pollution of the Great Lakes (Thomann, 1975;
Thomann et al., 1976; Thomann et al, 1979; Di Toro and Connolly, 1980),
eutrophication of the Potomac Estuary (Thomann and Fitzpatrick, 1982),
kepone pollution of the James River Estuary (O'Connor et al., 1983),
volatile organic pollution of the Delaware Estuary (Ambrose, 1987), and
heavy metal pollution of the Deep River, North Carolina (JRB, 1984).
The flexibility afforded by the Water Quality Analysis Simulation
Program is unique. WASP6/5 permits the modeler to structure one, two, and
three dimensional models; allows the specification of time variable
exchange coefficients, advective flows, waste loads and water quality
boundary conditions; and permits tailored structuring of the kinetic
processes, all within the larger modeling framework without having to
write or rewrite large sections of computer code. The two operational
WASP6/5 models, TOXI6/5 and EUTRO6/5, are reasonably general. In addition,
users may develop new kinetic or reactive structures. This, however
requires an additional measure of judgment, insight, and programming
experience on the part of the modeler. The kinetic subroutine in WASP
(denoted "WASPB"), is kept as a separate section of code, with its own
subroutines if desired.
2. Overview of WASP6/5 Modeling System
The WASP6/5 system consists of two stand alone computer programs, DYNHYD6/5
and WASP6/5, that can be run in conjunction or separately. The
hydrodynamics program, DYNHYD6/5, simulates the movement of water while
the water quality program, WASP6/5, simulates the movement and interaction
of pollutants within the water. While DYNHYD6/5 is delivered with WASP6/5,
other hydrodynamic programs have also been linked with WASP. RIVMOD
handles unsteady flow in one-dimensional rivers, while SED3D handles
unsteady, three-dimensional flow in lakes and estuaries.
WASP6/5 is supplied with two kinetic sub models to simulate two of the
major classes of water quality problems: conventional pollution
(involving dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nutrients and
eutrophication) and toxic pollution (involving organic chemicals,
metals, and sediment). The linkage of either sub model with the WASP6/5
program gives the models EUTRO6/5 and TOXI6/5, respectively. In most
instances, TOXI6/5 is used for tracers by specifying no decay.
The basic principle of both the hydrodynamics and water quality program
is the conservation of mass. The water volume and water quality
constituent masses being studied are tracked and accounted for over time
and space using a series of mass balancing equations. The hydrodynamics
program also conserves momentum, or energy, throughout time and space.
3. Basic Water Quality Model
WASP6/5 is a dynamic compartment model that can be used to analyze a
variety of water quality problems in such diverse water bodies as ponds,
streams, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters.
The equations solved by WASP6/5 are based on the key principle of the
conservation of mass. This principle requires that the mass of each
water quality constituent being investigated must be accounted for in
one way or another. WASP6/5 traces each water quality constituent from the
point of spatial and temporal input to its final point of export,
conserving mass in space and time. To perform these mass balance
computations, the user must supply WASP6/5 with input data defining seven
important characteristics:
- simulation and output control
- model segmentation
- advective and dispersive transport
- boundary concentrations
- point and diffuse source waste loads
- kinetic parameters, constants, and time functions
- initial concentrations
These input data, together with the general WASP6/5 mass balance equations
and the specific chemical kinetics equations, uniquely define a special
set of water quality equations. These are numerically integrated by
WASP6/5 as the simulation proceeds in time. At user specified print
intervals, WASP6/5 saves the values of all display variables for
subsequent retrieval by the post processor programs W4DSPLY and W4PLOT.
These programs allow the user to interactively produce graphs and tables
of variables of all display variables.
The model network is a set of expanded control volumes, or "segments,"
that together represent the physical configuration of the water body. As
below diagram illustrates, the network may subdivide the water body
laterally and vertically as well as longitudinally. Benthic segments can
be included along with water column segments.
If the water quality model is being linked to the hydrodynamic model,
then water column segments must correspond to the hydrodynamic
junctions. Concentrations of water quality constituents are calculated
within each segment. Transport rates of water quality constituents are
calculated across the interface of adjoining segments.
Segments in WASP may be one of four types, as specified by the input
variable ITYPE. A value of 1 indicates the epilimnion (surface water), 2
indicates hypolimnion layers (subsurface), 3 indicates an upper benthic
layer, and 4 indicates lower benthic layers. The segment type plays an
important role in bed sedimentation and in certain transformation
processes. The user should be careful to align segments properly. The
segment immediately below each segment is specified by the input
variable IBOTSG. This alignment is important when light needs to be
passed from one segment to the next in the water column, or when
material is buried or eroded in the bed.
Segment volumes and the simulation time step are directly related. As
one increases or decreases, the other must do the same to insure
stability and numerical accuracy. Segment size can vary dramatically.
Characteristic sizes are dictated more by the spatial and temporal scale
of the problem being analyzed than by the characteristics of the water
body or the pollutant per se. For example, analyzing a problem involving
the upstream tidal migration of a pollutant into a water supply might
require a time step of minutes to an hour. By contrast, analyzing a
problem involving the total residence time of that pollutant in the same
water body could allow a time step of hours to a day. In 4, the first
network was used to study the general eutrophic status of a lake. The
second network was used to investigate the lake wide spatial and
seasonal variations in eutrophication. The third network was used to
predict changes in near shore eutrophication of Rochester Embayment
resulting from specific pollution control plans.
As part of the problem definition, the user must determine how much of
the water quality frequency distribution must be predicted. For example,
a daily average dissolved oxygen concentration of 5 mg/L would not
sufficiently protect fish if fluctuations result in concentrations less
than 2 mg/L for 10% of the time. Predicting extreme concentration values
is generally more difficult than predicting average values.
Once the nature of the problem has been determined, then the temporal
variability of the water body and input loadings must be considered.
Generally, the model time step must be somewhat less than the period of
variation of the important driving variables. In some cases, this
restriction can be relaxed by averaging the input over its period of
variation. For example, phytoplankton growth is driven by sunlight,
which varies diurnally. Most eutrophication models, however, average the
light input over a day, allowing time steps on the order of a day.
Care must be taken so that important non linear interactions do not get
averaged out. When two or more important driving variables have a
similar period of variation, then averaging may not be possible. One
example is the seasonal variability of light, temperature, nutrient
input, and transport in lakes subject to eutrophication. Another example
involves discontinuous batch discharges. Such an input into a large lake
might safely be averaged over a day or week, because large scale
transport variations are relatively infrequent. The same batch input
into a tidal estuary cannot safely be averaged, however, because of the
semi diurnal or diurnal tidal variations. A third example is salinity
intrusion in estuaries. Tidal variations in flow, volume, and dispersion
can interact so that accurate long term predictions require explicit
simulation at time steps on the order of hours.
Once the temporal variability has been determined, then the spatial
variability of the water body must be considered. Generally, the
important spatial characteristics must be homogeneous within a segment.
In some cases, this restriction can be relaxed by judicious averaging
over width, depth, and/or length. For example, depth governs the impact
of reaeration and sediment oxygen demand in a column of water.
Nevertheless, averaging the depth across a river would generally be
acceptable in a conventional waste load allocation, whereas averaging
the depth across a lake would not generally be acceptable. Other
important spatial characteristics to consider (depending upon the
problem being analyzed) include temperature, light penetration,
velocity, pH, benthic characteristics or fluxes, and sediment
The expected spatial variability of the water quality concentrations
also affects the segment sizes. The user must determine how much
averaging of the concentration gradients is acceptable. Because water
quality conditions change rapidly near a loading point and stabilize
downstream, studying the effects on a beach a quarter mile downstream of
a discharge requires smaller segments than studying the effects on a
beach several miles away.
A final, general guideline may be helpful in obtaining accurate
simulations: water column volumes should be roughly the same. If flows
vary significantly downstream, then segment volumes should increase
5. Model Transport Scheme
Transport includes advection and dispersion of water quality
constituents. Advection and dispersion in WASP are each divided into six
distinct types, or "fields." The first transport field involves
advective flow and dispersive mixing in the water column. Advective flow
carries water quality constituents "downstream" with the water and
accounts for instream dilution. Dispersion causes further mixing and
dilution between regions of high concentrations and regions of low
The second transport field specifies the movement of pore water in the
sediment bed. Dissolved water quality constituents are carried through
the bed by pore water flow and are exchanged between the bed and the
water column by pore water diffusion.
The third, fourth, and fifth transport fields specify the transport of
particulate pollutants by the settling, resuspension, and sedimentation
of solids. Water quality constituents sorbed onto solid particles are
transported between the water column and the sediment bed. The three
solids fields can be defined by the user as size fractions, such as
sand, silt, and clay, or as inorganic, phytoplankton, and organic
The sixth transport field represents evaporation or precipitation from
or to surface water segments.
Most transport data, such as flows or settling velocities, must be
specified by the user in a WASP input dataset. For water column flow,
however, the user may "link" WASP with a hydrodynamics model. If this
option is specified, during the simulation WASP will read the contents
of a hydrodynamic file for unsteady flows, volumes, depths, and
6. Application of WASP6/5 Model
The first step in applying the model is analyzing the problem to be
solved. What questions are being asked? How can a simulation model be
used to address these questions? A water quality model can do three
basic tasks describe present water quality conditions, provide generic
predictions, and provide site specific predictions. The first,
descriptive task is to extend in some way a limited site specific data
base. Because monitoring is expensive, data seldom give the spatial and
temporal resolution needed to fully characterize a water body. A
simulation model can be used to interpolate between observed data,
locating, for example, the dissolved oxygen sag point in a river or the
maximum salinity intrusion in an estuary. Of course such a model can be
used to guide future monitoring efforts. Descriptive models also can be
used to infer the important processes controlling present water quality.
This information can be used to guide not only monitoring efforts, but
also model development efforts.
Providing generic predictions is a second type of modeling task. Site
specific data may not be needed if the goal is to predict the types of
water bodies at risk from a new chemical. A crude set of data may be
adequate to screen a list of chemicals for potential risk to a
particular water body. Generic predictions may sufficiently address the
management problem to be solved, or they may be a preliminary step in
detailed site specific analyses.
Providing site specific predictions is the most stringent modeling task.
Calibration to a good set of monitoring data is definitely needed to
provide credible predictions. Because predictions often attempt to
extrapolate beyond the present data base, however, the model also must
have sufficient process integrity. Examples of this type of application
include waste load allocation to protect water quality standards and
feasibility analysis for remedial actions, such as tertiary treatment,
phosphate bans, or agricultural best management practices.
Analysis of the problem should dictate the spatial and temporal scales
for the modeling analysis. Division of the water body into appropriately
sized segments was discussed in Section "Model Network." The user must
try to extend the network upstream and downstream beyond the influence
of the waste loads being studied. If this is not possible, the user
should extend the network far enough so that errors in specifying future
boundary concentrations do not propogate into the reaches being studied.
The user also should consider aligning the network so that sampling
stations and points of interest (such as water withdrawals) fall near
the center of a segment. Point source waste loads in streams and rivers
with unidirectional flow should be located near the upper end of a
segment. In estuaries and other water bodies with oscillating flow,
waste loads are best centered within segments. If flows are to be input
from DYNHYD6/5, then a WASP4 segment must coincide with each hydrodynamic
junction. Benthic segments, which are not present in the hydrodynamic
network, may nevertheless be included in the WASP6/5 network. WASP6/5
segment numbering does not have to be the same as DYNHYD6/5 junction
numbering. Segments stacked vertically do not have to be numbered
consecutively from surface water segments down.
Once the network is set up, the model study will proceed through four
general steps involving, in some manner, hydrodynamics, mass transport,
water quality transformations, and environmental toxicology. The first
step addresses the question of where the water goes. This can be
answered by a combination of gaging, special studies, and hydrodynamic
modeling. Flow data can be interpolated or extrapolated using the
principle of continuity. Very simple flow routing models can be used;
very complicated multi dimensional hydrodynamic models can also be used
with proper averaging over time and space. At present, the most
compatible hydrodynamic model is DYNHYD6/5.
The second step answers the question of where the material in the water
is transported. This can be answered by a combination of tracer studies
and model calibration. Dye and salinity are often used as tracers.
The third step answers the question of how the material in the water and
sediment is transformed and what its fate is. This is the main focus of
many studies. Answers depend on a combination of laboratory studies,
field monitoring, parameter estimation, calibration, and testing. The
net result is sometimes called model validation or verification, which
are elusive concepts. The success of this step depends on the skill of
the user, who must combine specialized knowledge with common sense and
skepticism into a methodical process.
The final step answers the question of how this material is likely to
affect anything of interest, such as people, fish, or the ecological
balance. Often, predicted concentrations are simply compared with water
quality criteria adopted to protect the general aquatic community. Care
must be taken to insure that the temporal and spatial scales assumed in
developing the criteria are compatible with those predicted by the
model. Sometimes principles of physical chemistry or pharmacokinetics
are used to predict chemical body burdens and resulting biological
effects. The biaccumulation model FGETS (Barber, et al., 1991) and the
WASTOX food chain model are good examples of this.