Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kaufman Hall Room 135
Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0241, USA
Tel) (757) 683-3753
Fax) (757) 683-5354


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Core Information
Course CEE 725/825 Advanced Foundation Engineering
Lecture 3 hours; 3 credits
Spring Semester, ODU Campus
Session Spring Session #1
Instructor Dr. Isao Ishibashi, Professor, CEE, KH 134
Phone (757) 683-4641
Fax (757) 683-5354
e-mail <>

Textbook and References

Required Textbook:
Principles of Foundation Engineering, 4th Edition, Braja M. Das


Grading Policy

The final grade will be based on the following percentages:

Homework Mid-term exam Final exam Total
30 30 40 100

Tentative Course Outline

CEE 725/825 Advanced Foundation Engineering
Lecture 3 hours; 3 credits
ODU Campus
Spring Session

  Topics Weeks


Special cases of shallow foundations
Foundations on slope; Inclined foundations; Horizontal load capacity

1.5 weeks


Pile foundations
Laterally loaded piles; Battered piles; Load calculation of pile groups

3 Weeks


Drilled shafts and caissons
Design and construction

1.5 weeks

Mid-term examination - open books

1 week


Sheet piles
Cantilever sheet piles; Anchored sheet piles; Anchors

3 weeks


Braced excavations
Earth pressure; Stability; Design of braced supports

3 weeks


Types of cofferdams; Stability; Design of cofferdams

2.5 weeks

Final examination - open books