
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kaufman Hall Room 135
Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0241, USA
Tel) (757) 683-3753
Fax) (757) 683-5354


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Core Information
Course CEE 751/851 Physicochemical Treatment Processes
Lecture 3 hours; 3 credits
Fall Semester,ODU Campus
Session Fall Session #1
Prerequisite The course draws on knowledge of chemistry, physics, and integral and differential calculus. An introductory course in environmental engineering at the undergraduate level is adequate preparation. Those students without this background or a familiarity with water and wastewater treatment processes will likely want to read introductory material in these areas; the instructor will indicate sources of information in the initial class.
Instructor Dr. Gary C. Schafran, Professor, CEE
KH 133B
Phone (757) 683-4673
Fax (757) 683-5354
e-mail <gschafra@odu.edu>

Course Description

Physical and chemical treatment processes used for the removal of undesirable constituents (contaminants) from water and wastewaters will be examined in this course. The treatment processes that will be evaluated include all of the major processes used in domestic and industrial water and wastewater treatment.

The course examines the mechanisms that are responsible for contaminant removal and the quantitative representation (theoretical and empirical formulations) of these processes that have been developed to predict treatment performance and are used in process design.

Problem sets (homework) assigned during the semester generally reflect actual situations obtained from engineering studies (full-, pilot-, or bench-scale studies). These problem sets provide students the opportunity to discover how quantitative relationships based on theory can be integrated with actual situations in water and wastewater treatment systems.

The following areas will be covered:

  1. Reactor Engineering (Material balances, kinetics)
  2. Mixing
  3. Coagulation, Flocculation, and Chemical Precipitation
  4. Sedimentation
  5. Flotation
  6. Gas Transfer and Aeration
  7. Filtration
  8. Carbon Adsorption
  9. Ion Exchange

I will also distribute a number of handouts during the semester to augment lecture notes and areas not covered by the text.

Textbook and References

Required Textbook:

See Textbook information


Grading Policy
Students will be expected to participate in all class activities and to complete all class assignments. Grading will be as follows:

  Grade Percent
Mid-Term Exam 35
Final Exam 40
Problem Sets 25

Reading/Chapters from Text

CEE 751/851 Physicochemical Treatment Processes
Lecture 3 hours; 3 credits
ODU Campus
Fall Session

Today is

  Topics Material
  Introduction; Reactor Engineering
(Material balances, kinetics)
Chapter 3, Handouts
  Mixing Handouts
  Coagulation and Flocculation Chapter 6
  Sedimentation Chapter 7
  Flotation Chapter 7
  Gas Transfer and Air Stripping Chapter 5
  Filtration Chapter 8
  Carbon Adsorption Chapter 13
  Ion Exchange Chapter 9

There will be a number of handouts so you may want to plan on having a loose-leaf notebook to file/organize these handouts.