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Is there any command available for dealing with a floppy disk?


If you prefer using a command-line approach to deal with a floppy disk operation, you can use "mtools" commands. "mtools" is a public domain collection of tools to allow Unix systems to manipulate MS-DOS files: read, write, and move around files on a floppy disk.

Available "mtools" commands that you can type directly at system prompt include;

mtools command It does
mattrib Change MS-DOS file attribute flags.
mbadblocks Scan a floppy and mark its bad blocks as bad.
mcd Change the mtools working directory on the floppy disk.
mcopy Copy MS-DOS files to and from Unix.
mdel delete an MS-DOS file in a floppy disk.
mdeltree Delete a directory and all the files and subdirectories it contains from a floppy disk.
mdir Display an MS-DOS directory in the floppy disk.
mdu List the space occupied by a directory, its subdirectories and its files in a floppy disk. It is similar to the du command on Unix.
mformat Format a floppy disk.
minfo Print the parameters of a DOS filesystem on screen, such as number of sectors, heads and cylinders.
mkmanifest create a shell script that aids in the restoration of Unix filenames that got clobbered by the MS-DOS filename restrictions. MS-DOS filenames are restricted to 8 character names, 3 character extensions, upper case only, no device names, and no illegal characters.
mlabel Add a volume label to a floppy disk.
mmd Make an MS-DOS subdirectory in a floppy disk.
mrd Remove an MS-DOS subdirectory in a floppy disk.
mread list recursively
mmove Move an existing MS-DOS file or subdirectory in a floppy disk.
mren Rename an existing MS-DOS file or subdirectory in a floppy disk.
mtoolstest Test the mtools configuration files.
mtype Display contents of an MS-DOS file on the screen.

For more usage details, read manpage on "mtools."

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