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Old Dominion University
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Listing Files and Directories


To see is believing, indeed.  You can display names of files 
and subdirectories in current directory with 
"ls" (list) 
command (e.g., "ls  -al").  "ls" is equivalent of the 
DOS command "dir" if you're familiar with DOS. 

Files with a period as the first letter of the file name are hidden files (compare the difference between an "ls" and an "ls -a"). Hidden files (called "dot files") typically contain important system/user setting or configuration data, and the idea of making them 'hidden' from normal ls command is based on "Out of sight, Out of mind" approach - to make them safer from accidental tempering.

Here are some useful flags to the ls command:

Flags It will
a show hidden files
l show long listing
C show short listing (in columns)
t list in order of time (creation)
r list in reverse order
R list recursively

These flags can be combined as needed. Here are some useful combinations, please examine them and get familiarize yourself with their characteristics.

ls -al ls -l ls -C
ls -lt ls -lrt ls -lR

There is a system command alias for "ls -Flas | more" called "ll" and you can just type "ll" to get a full information of a directory. I'd recommend you to make a habit to list directory and files as often as possible.

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