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Welcome home folks, to ODU Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Corner.

We surely expect a lot of exciting things have happened to you since you left the alma mater, and we want to hear about such wonderful things as well as keep in touch with our former students. This Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Corner webpage is designed to accommodate a place for CEE alumni for exchanging CEE alumni information and current updates from/to the Department.

Your active participation is absolutely essential to make this Alumni Corner functional and furthermore 'feel at home'. You can post/leave greetings/messages to other CEE alumni, or add your comments/suggestions for CEE department, etc. using CEE Alumni Information Exchange Depot.

Also, if you would like to update your current activities and interests, please let us know by filling an Alumni Questionnaire shown below as a 'Serving Tray' icon.

If there's any CEE alumni related matter that you need an assistance, please contact CEE Department Office. If you'd prefer the old-fashioned way, please contact us at:

Deep root has a strength in number

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
ATTN: CEE Alumni
Kaufman Hall Room 135
College of Engineering and Technology
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529-0241, USA

Tel) (757) 683-3753
Fax) (757) 683-5354

Thanks you all for coming, and we hope to hear from you again soon!

ODU Alumni are now eligible to use the Career Management Center's eRecruiting resume referral and job posting service free of charge. For more information contact the Engineering Career Management Center Office.

CEE Alumni Information Exchange Depot
CEE Alumni Information Entry Form
Search for CEE Alumni information
CEE Announcements and Events
Job Marketplace
ODU Alumni Association
ODU Athletics News